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英國創世紀 Profile Sub(P1)  

名 称: 英國創世紀 Profile Sub(P1)
型 号: Profile Sub(P1)
规 格: 1 x 350W at 4 ohms / 1 x 500W at 2 ohms
市场价: 8400元

Genesis ICE汽车音响---Profile系列功放

Our Profile and Profile Ultra series balance the need for compact chassis, high efficiency and class leading sound quality.
The low mounting profile lends this series it's name, and allows installation where other amplifiers won't fit.
Vari-speed thermal management and innovative Class G technology yield excellent power outputs in small spaces with freedom from overheating, an all too common problem with other compact amplifiers.
As you would expect from Genesis the sound quality and features are second to none.

Profile与Profile Ultra系列融合了精巧机壳、大功率以及一流音质的特点。
电子冷却系统与Class G技术保证了强大的功率输出,解决了小型功放急促过热的问题。

英國創世紀 Profile Sub(P1)

Designed to drive modern subwoofers at high levels with perfect control, Profile Sub delivers 500 watts of pure power for bass you can feel as well as hear. Optional Remote Level control for easy level adjustment. Separate Subsonic and Low pass filters for total control Parametric EQ allows tuning of sub system to suit all music styles while Class G keeps everything cool.

專為高水準的現代低音炮而打造,功放提供500瓦功率,含遠端控制功能及Class G電路冷卻技術,參數等化器支援各種音樂格式。

  傲仕汽车影音   版权所有
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