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add:No.122, Daxiangyong Rd,Shawan, Panyu District, Guangzhou City
Industry news
Industrial Washing Machine> Technical Specification
Publisher:admin  Time::2011/6/22 22:21:24   Browse:350
Guangzhou panyu shawan washing and dyeing machinery alliance technical specifications, DBL440100/TI-2007 was issued in 2007. This technical specifications were made by Guangzhou panyu district quality technology supervision bureau and Guangzhou panyu shawan washing and dyeing machinery alliance. Our company is one of the most important member to make this technical specifications. This technical specifications is the first unified standard in China improving industrial washing machines technology.
Address:No.122, Daxiangyong Rd,Shawan, Panyu District, Guangzhou City  Tel:(008620)84731900
Fax:(008620)84731912   E-mail:txjq@txjq.com   www.tx-jq.com